Written by: Danielle Mullings

Developed in 2017 by 18 year old Chelsea Wright, Girls Who Know JA seeks to provide comprehensive sexuality education to the young people of Jamaica. This movement is led by youth under 20 years old which allows it to connect directly with this target population. The organization aims to raise awareness among adolescent females ages 13-19, about Sexual and Reproductive Health as well as the rights associated with this aspect of their life, through implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education that is culture, gender and age specific.
GWK in partnership with a highschool UN club put on a forum for high school students. It is their biggest event to date which saw students from across the Kingston and St. Andrew area interacting with experts on sexual and reproductive health issues. The group has also done visits to two girls homes treating them to period pouches and comfortable discussions surrounding empowerment. The visits included a speech from reigning Miss Universe Jamaica, Emily Maddison who is an avid member and supporter.

The 2nd Vice President Antonette Hines credits the Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network and UNESCO Youth Ambassador programs for educating her about the sustainable development goals and how to build proper advocacy campaigns. It is this knowledge that has informed her work with Girls Who Know. Antonnette’s message to young people is, “Don’t be ashamed of your voice. Everyone’s thoughts experiences and challenges are different. Every opinon should be valued. This idea of being ashamed to ask questions or say what you think has to be put aside. One of the main ways to empower people is to give them knowledge. This gives them the power of choice.”
The founder. Chelsea Wright, has been awarded for her work in Girls Who Know with the Prime Minister’s Youth Award for Excellence in Nation Building 2018.
Contact them at girlswhoknowja@gmail.com or on Instagram @girlswhoknowja